Friday, November 7, 2014

Media Observations

Once I found out that YouTube is a mine of commercial free content, I had to check out some of the shows that I'd always been meaning to get around to watching but never found the time for.  This week it is "All Creatures Great and Small", which appears to have run far more seasons than I had originally given it credit for.   Consensus?  Great series and excellent acting which outshines anything seen today.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Small Screen

Let me be the first to say that blogging from a phone is not the most fluid of data entry choices.  It works, but that is about all that can be said for it.  The main reason to do it at all is to have the treasured iPhone descriptor.  For example: Sent from Ted's iPhone.  I don't think it is worth it.  Still, it is better than nothing.  I finished printing off the church songbook covers and will see about assembling them tomorrow.   Jesus is on the cover in front of a pentacal.  We will see if anyone notices.  It wasn't intentional, but couldn't be helped.  The design needed it.