Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tripwire Logo

This is a down and dirty band logo for Tripwire. Considering that they are going to be an opening act at the House of Blues in Hollywood next month, they have got to have some sort of logo! I'm going to be there to enjoy the tunes, and catch the other acts. In the mean time, I'll pass this logo along. Creating something is easy, getting it put on t-shirts and banners will be someone else's headache!
The logo can be read normally or upside down. This is an optical illusion known as an ambigram, which is surprisingly easy to do. If you have drafting skills and the equipment handy, you can just go to town and mess around until you get something that works. Alternatively, you can use a program like FontCreator to bash together some letters which serve the purpose. I went with the program. I like the idea of being able to put the letters into a style which can be scaled through Photoshop without losing any detail.

Of course, the second that I mention that I notice there is some pixiliation on this image, but that was because I was using a small canvas for the test. A larger image, which would be better for graphic design, won't show any of the rough edges.

If there is such a thing as too many Photoshop effects, I haven't heard about it. Yes, these are stylistic chestnuts. But they still look cool.

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