Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pool Party

Gotta love cast parties. When the strain is starting to show from the constant rehearsals and everyone is getting snippy with each other, than nothing works better for getting a team back on track like a party. A pool party, if you can manage it, is even better.

When I first arrived at the party I saw our director and an actor hunched over a laptop going through sound files trying to edit the lead-in times to correlate with the action on the stage. It wasn't a promising beginning. But within minutes the party started to get underway and I spent the rest of the evening in the pool. It was perfect. Surprisingly, despite the best efforts of the High Desert sun I didn't turn into a crispy-critter either. No one is more shocked about that than me.

This pool used salt water instead of chlorine, which was something that I've never experienced before. My eyes weren't red afterward and my hair didn't smell of chemicals. It really is the way to go. Of course, after the party was over and people were staggering back to their cars for the ride home, it occurred to me that someone should have brought a camera. Heck, I could have even taken some photos with my phone! But there's always next time.

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