Saturday, October 11, 2014

Doc Savage and Guys and Dolls

Not one.  Not a single deck of cards.  I knew it!
When I created the Guys and Dolls deck of cards for the Snowline Players production of the play I knew the key to selling them was to have them available for purchase right from the start and right in the lobby.  But because of events surrounding decision making (read: not my fault) the decision as to whether to place an order for the decks didn't come until much to late.  Typically, I'll be lucky if an order gets shipped within two weeks of being placed.  Considering all that is involved in the manufacturing of these things, that doesn't surprise me.  If anything, I'm happy that they can complete the order in the time frame specified anyway.
But I knew that if I told people during the play that if they wanted a deck they could order it online and then wait two weeks for it to arrive, that proposition would be a nonstarter.   I mean, the whole point of a souvenier deck of cards is that it's bought the way you normally buy impulse items.  You buy them right then and there without any planning.
So while lots of people did come to the play and expressed interest in ordering a deck for themselves, no one actually did it.  And that's ok.  But it is still a missed opportunity that makes me feel bad.  We could have raised additional funds for the little production company.  Guess I'll have to hope I can get them onboard more quickly next time.
Doc Savage on the other hand is something that I don't have to go through anyone's approval process.  This is something that I'm doing for my own enjoyment and that's the sort of project that I love the most.  If you haven't had a chance to read any Doc Savage before, I encourage you to do so.  They are great, if brief, stories of high adventure and daring.  However, the author really needed to have a good editor go over the work before publishing.  Yes, the author was under constant demands from a grueling publication schedule but the stories would have been greatly improved with a little more polish.  I'm going to apply the polish to a few random stories over the next few days, and I'll post the results here.

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