Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Health Care Reform? Really?

Really. I have to admit that I didn't see this happening.
Oh, I knew that there would be SOMETHING that passed, but couldn't imaging the final form that it would take. For example, I knew that there would have to be some law passed that the Democratic party could point to as a sign of success, and that they'd be able to get something through Congress. But as far as to the effectiveness of such a law it would have been impossible to say.
So I'm very surprised, and happily so, that there appears to be a new law in the land which does protect a persons health and well being to some extent. Sure it isn't pretty, and not as effective as it could be. But goodness knows it could have been far worse.

Such feint praise is usually the sign that the greater good wasn't served and that real change or progress hasn't taken place, and I won't argue that point. Did America listen to it's angels? Not really. But they didn't shout them down in a fit of ignorance or cowardliness, and that counts for something.

So it is a great day after all.

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