Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nicole is Not a Robot!

This is very good news for a variety of reasons.
Nicole was kind enough to sign this print for me when I met her.
Nicole is artistic, which puts her in pretty good company because lots of people are. Art is how we reflect life among other things. But she's also very good at it. Take a look.

Nice, right? But keep in mind this was made with pastels. Pastels! You know how you'd draw on the sidewalk with chalk as a kid. You never made anything that artistically impressive, but it was a lot of fun and the neighbors didn't mind because it would wash off. Obviously you didn't make any really straight lines, but that wasn't just because you were a kid and the coordination hadn't kicked in. It was the chalk. Chalk hates people and strikes back by smudging at the slightest opportunity and becoming a muddy mess the moment it even sees other pastel colors.

Nicole also paints with oils. Take a look at the picture at the top of this post. Beautiful, everyone would agree. Even more impressive when you realize it was created with a medium second only to a peat bog in summer for viscosity and smell. Oil paint isn't what you use when you start out painting. It's what you use on a dare.
Oil paints are expensive because the manufacturers have to pay off class action lawsuits from artists clawing their eyes out in frustration or paint fumes.

So Nicole has mad art skills, which brings us to... ALERT! Is Nicole a Robot?!!!?!? And more importantly, if she is a Robot, is she about to Uprise?!?

A quick once over with a handy Analog Great Robotic Uprising Threat Detector confirms that Nicole is NOT a robot. One fine painter is discovered and one catastrophic danger to humanity is averted. She was even cool enough to verify her biological credentials in writing. How cool is that?

(Answer: very cool!)

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