Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cave Paintings and Loteria

The Deer or "El Venado" loteria card shows a deer painted on a cave wall indicating the fertility aspect for tarot readings.
"The Deer" Loteria Card
"The Deer"
The deer for this image is most likely taken from reports of cave paintings which would have been available to the two monks as well as Pope Pius IV himself.  This would have been at odds with most orthodoxy at the time.  It isn't clear whether the monks or the Pope were aware of the age of the paintings, but it would have been likely they were aware of speculation that they predated biblical history.  In either event, the images for fertility and sexuality would have been popular in other areas of rural spiritual beliefs.  This card would have found no home in Western practices, but would point to the potent New World forces which missionaries were encountering abroad.

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