Saturday, February 13, 2010

I become a movie mutant?

Two things I know about the movie Hirokin:

1) It a poor man's Hercules.

2) It has mutants.

The first bit of knowledge came to me while watching the online trailer for the movie. It's pretty bad, no doubt about it. That's not a value call either, I'm not saying that it's a wretched movie which contaminates the audience and everyone who comes into contact with the film. The graphics aren't that hot and the scenery is dreary. But it does have hotties in cute slave-girl outfits which makes up for a lot.

Secondly, they had an open casting call in VV for mutants. Now I'm up for a groaner of a film more often than not, and the chance to be in front of the camera for one of them is just too much temptation to pass up. Sure, I'd play window dressing for a historical drama, but the idea of shambling around the desert covered in scars while the hero looks wistfully off into the distance if just awesome. Good grief. How could I say no?
So I threw on my post-apocalyptic best and made my way down to the casting call to have my photo taken.

The movie is off to a rough start in VV because of the recent rain. They were planning on shooting in the dry lakes around here that it never occured to anyone that they might be muddy planes due to the rain and snow that hit the area last week. I don't hold them responsible. Who on earth would bet money that it would rain up here.
But it has, and it did. And right now the dry lake beds look less like a horrific vision of the future and more like a healing mud sauna. So they're giving it a month before shooting to let the place dry out before moving the mutants in.

I'll post when it happens.

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