Sunday, April 4, 2010

Alice In Wonderland Movie Review

Ted Puffer rating = 2 or 3 stars.

I'll keep this brief because there are more in depth reviews available everywhere. Alice In Wonderland isn't as bad a movie as it should be. It should be terrible. It should have been a multi million dollar snore fest. But when all is said and done, it really wasn't that bad.

So I'll bump up my review to three stars.

The acting was fine, the special effects are good and the pacing of the movie moves right along. What keeps this film together is the story, which shocked me. It actually is a nice, tight little story that doesn't get bogged down or off track.

The real surprise is the fabled dance that Johnny Depp is supposed to dance when the Red Queen is finally defeated. The director is waving a red flag at this point telling the audience to expect a cinematic abomination which will embarrass all involved and their kin for years to come. When the ghastly scene finally crawls on to the screen, it's over before it's lumbering pretense has started. That in itself is a win.

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