Monday, December 27, 2010

Stealing Syberia

So what did I get for my latest travel into Syberia?

I got some artwork. Good stuff too.

OK, I've been meaning to get back to the painting for awhile because I've had some ideas burning in my mind for a bit, and the only thing needed was some time. While Christmas brings many things, and this year it also allowed me to get some projects done, which means that it's time to dust off the old canvas and see what damage I can do.

For such a fantastic graphical adventure, there were only two images which struck me as being good paintings, at least ones that would fit for my style. I'm grabbing a bar poster from the second chapter in the Syberia saga, as well as some native sketches that are found in the bone ark. The sketches are ideal for a small canvas which I have floating around looking for a home, and the poster... well, if you've seen any of my other paintings than you'll know that I like the posters. This one has horses. Not my favorite animal to tell the truth, but I don't have a problem with them.

I was tempted to go for the logo on the side of the clockwork train, but after some consideration have decided to give it a miss. The logo is interesting, but to make in with a fitting background, I'd be using a lot of gray. Gray is a good color, don't get me wrong. But it can be a little... well... boring. I'm happy with my choices, but if I get a stirring to go back to Syberia, the train will be at the top of my list.

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