Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sucker Punch Movie Review

Movie: Sucker Punch
Ted Puffer's Review : 3 Stars

There's a lot going for the movie Sucker Punch, and not all of it has to do with the fact that not only did the director also film the supposedly unfilmable graphic novel "Watchmen" but also blew the doors off with "300". To have seen those films tells you what to expect when you sit down to a new creation by this guy. You're going to see lots of slow-mo fighting and wowza visuals. That's a given. But are you going to get a side helping of plot along with that meal?

Actually, yes. Now I'm not going to give you a line about how there are layers of meaning behind the story and that every item in the scene is a metaphor for life and the difficulty of maintaining ego integrity in the modern world. That would be a stretch. The plot isn't that large in scope but it is there and more importantly it's done well.

What really impressed me about this film is that while the plot can be summed up in a paragraph or two at the most, the small story was done with excellent execution. Now all of this brings up the larger question of is a movie with a well done small plot more important than a movie with a larger subject being handled haphazardly. In this instance, I'm happy with the small plot. It is done well and even has (gasp!) foreshadowing! And... and internal logic integrity! Heck, the director has even gone so far as to throw in a plot point or two just to show the Syd Field fans that it can be done.

OK, it's not "Birth of a Nation". But it is good, and was worth seeing in a theater.

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