Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"The Flag" Loteria Card

A British flag is seen as the tongue of a devil with fangs in this painting of the loteria card "The Flag"
"The Flag" Loteria Card
This is a departure from style for me because I knew from the start that I'd be using a gouache paint for the skin of the devil.  Now I'm sure that I mentioned it in an earlier blog post, but gouache paint is not for the feint of heart.  It is beautiful and valid as a medium for expression.  It's also unforgiving and scary to use.  I've had mixed success in the past, but couldn't think of anything else that would give me those solid, opaque colors.

The bold colors and thick outline for this image gave it a feel similar to a tattoo.  This was the look that I was aiming for.  The loteria card is for "The Flag", and that could be taken so many ways that it was hard to come up with something that didn't have the standard flag waving from a pole.  The tongue-flag was just the ticket for this card.

No offense to any British visitors to this site.

To find out how to read "The Flag" loteria card for fortune telling, follow the link!

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