Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Health Care Reform needs to stop

     We (and by 'we' I'm using the Royal 'we'), need to stop the effort to reform the current Health Care system. Leaving aside the current arguments floating back and fourth between the insurance industry lobbyists and the poor souls looking for medical care, there is a true reason why we not only need to stop reform, but should embrace the current system.
     Think of all the problems facing not only America, but the world at large. America has issues that need to be addressed. Vital issues that threaten the security of not only our country, but the planet as a whole. Make a list of the top 100 issues and I can assure you that none of them will be "Americans aren't living long enough". Make a list and check it out, you'll see that I'm right.
     American longevity isn't a problem affecting our country. Quite the opposite in fact.

     It's important to keep in mind that we, as Americans, get what we deserve. We get the freedoms we deserve, the form of government we deserve, and the health care we deserve. Right now we have a system of health care which insures that we'll die 6 years sooner than a citizen in a similarly developed country would. This is neither good or bad. Some people suggesting a universal health care initiative point to this figure as though it were a point of shame on our national character, and issue the challenge of meeting or exceeding other countries health care services in an effort to create the greatest health services on the planet.
     I think this effort is a bit misguided. Can we actually look at ourselves and say that we deserve to live another 6 years? Look at the simultaneously bellowing and shrill pundants decrying any proposed changes to our health care system. Look at the ignorant rabble shutting down town hall meetings in an effort to cement the insurance lobby's stranglehold on health care. We truly deserve no better than what we have now.
     Let this generation die off a little sooner and give a head start on the next one. Maybe they can enact universal health coverage for all citizens. They'll be able to do it, if they deserve it.

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