Thursday, August 13, 2009

Zork Credit where it's due

     Let me give credit where credit's due.
There are two guys are behind the wonderful artwork on the Double Fanucci cards found in Legends of Zork. They are:
     Jim Zub (more on his work can be found here)
     Greg Brown (his blog is located here)
     The deck I'm designing will be completely mine. I'll be making all the artwork for it. But I'm relying on these guys in a very important way. Zork started out as an all text adventure, and it's subsequent iterations had rudimentary graphics at best. Two suits for the game were called 'zurfs' and 'fromps', with little squiggle pixel blocks as designations. What a zurf or fromp actually IS, is never revealed. When Legends of Zork came out, these guys had to take these amorphous blobs and turn them into actual art. Not an easy task, but the results are stunning.
     So when I design my suits, I'll be relying on their interpretations of what a zurf and fromp is, and then coming up with my own artwork based on that.
     Just thought I'd get that out of the way.

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