Sunday, January 9, 2011

Palm Springs Film Festival

I grabbed a 'six pack' of movie tickets to the Palm Springs International Film Festival, and it looks like I've finally found a way to choose good movies from the extensive list of films on display. Last year I relied solely on tracking down reviews from Rottentomatoes and the festivals own programme. The results were hit-and-miss. Some of the films were very good, but others had been so mis-represented that it was a nasty shock to find out you'd been duped.

This year I just made my selections by choosing the movies from the category or genre, with very little attention being paid to a description of the story line. I was more likely to choose a film that was made in an interesting country, or at least a country which I haven't seen too many films being produced in. The method works wonderfully. I'm not sure what changes have taken over the festival, but this year has seen more foreign films than have been on display in the past. It makes for great variety, and a strong field of movies that aren't on your regular cable channels.

First day in, and I've seen "Dog Sweat" and "Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives". Great stuff!

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