Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Day of the Rooster

this card is the principle card for most loteria decks.  The divination deck used for telling fortunes also has this bird as the first card in the series.
"The Rooster" Loteria Card
I'm not sure exactly how I feel about this card, if I'm completely honest.  It didn't come out exactly like I'd planned, but at the same time it really did come out pretty good considering that I've never really painted a rooster before.  The T-O medallion around his neck looks great (although I'm still considering jazzing it up a touch) and the crest is good.  But I didn't count on him looking like a Masonic Lodge member in full regalia sitting for his portrait.  There is something self-satisfied in his look which wasn't planned.

But what the heck.  The Rooster is card #1 in the deck, and so should be glitzy.

Update!:  For more information about the meaning behind this card, visit the loteria divination page!

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