Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Guiding Star to Loteria

This loteria card shouldn't be confused with the Tarot card "The Star" which has the same name.
"The Star" Loteria Card
"The Star"

One of the best things I could have done when starting this project was to make a simple and foolproof method by which I could change the card's suits if necessary.  The icon in the upper left corner of the card is painted, as is the symbols for each suit.  The only thing that isn't paint is the number of the card.
However, when I started this project I treated the corner graphic and suits like a computer generated graphic.  The means that by choosing which layers of the Photoshop image to make visible, I can give any value to the card I want.  It's simple and elegant and a dang lifesaver by this point.
Somewhere along the way I knew that the card value for "The Spider" had been made the six of spades.  It should have been the six of hearts.  I've corrected that error so even though the image you see on this blog still lists the card as being a member of the Spades group, the printed and official deck will have it correctly appearing as a Heart.

Update:  Further explanations of the symbolism in this card has now been posted on the loteria divination site.

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