Monday, May 14, 2012

Are those airbrushed?

A fortune telling card, called "The Lady".  This appeares in the loteria deck of "The Pope's Cards"
"The Lady" Loteria Card
In a word, yes.  This image was harder to do because I really haven't factored in the size issue with the original canvas.  The canvases that I'm using to paint the cards for my loteria deck are small, and so the weave of the material is very coarse.  This also means that there is lots of detail which I just can't get into the image.  There are some stunning effects, don't get me wrong.  The paintbrush wants to add dramatic flairs with the paint whenever it touches the surface.  But as far as detail goes, I'd imagined that as long as I used s fine enough brush, that wouldn't be a problem.
It is.  Size has nothing to do with it.  Add your own artistic pun here.
Even tiny brushes just can't put in the level of detail without looking forced, overworked or just awkward.  There isn't any such thing as having natural picky details after a certain point.
But the painting is one of the best that I've done and I was very excited to put it in the template and make the card.  When I did that, I found out that the loteria banner covers her cleavage!  Now I'm not the sort of person to say that a woman's image can't be dramatic and powerful in a painting without having a cleavage shot.  Also, when using loteria for fortune telling, it wouldn't be a requirement that the card symbolizing femininity and beauty also have a long leer down her top.  But I gotta be honest... the image lacked something.  So I used PhotoShop to pull her dress down so you could see the hem below the banner.  Yeah, it made the card better.  I just wish I didn't feel so dirty afterwards.

Update!:  There is a special La Dama Loteria page!

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